
Some of this will sound familiar because it describes your plight:

Marketing has sprung a leak.

Sales are L-shaped. Really.

We look and feel worn and tired.

I need someone smart to talk to.

There's no fun in our messaging.

Our features aren't benefits.

These things aren't complaints, they're challenges. People like to think that great ideas produce great businesses. But the opposite it true. Challenges in the hands of determined innovators create new, appropriate ideas and the success that follows.

It's tough to make repairs at full speed.

Fuse is a feisty advertising agency located in Ridgewood, New Jersey. We aren't small. We're compact.

We provide solutions to complex sales and marketing challenges. Among the ways we do so is to create printed and electronic catalogs and direct response vehicles. We build websites, inter-active and social marketing. We've worked with local restaurants and international publishers. And everything in between.

(As you can see from this blatant invitation to search engine bots, we know something about the web and SEO work, too.)